SCNA accomplishments since 2013:
- In July 2015, the City of Roseville repainted the South Cirby Way sound wall for a nicer entrance to our neighborhood. A “Welcome to Roseville” monument was installed in the South Cirby Way heritage oak median strip in 2016.
- In June 2023, SCNA volunteers enjoyed a Crestmont Park cleanup day planting plants and spreading mulch along with Roseville firefighters and other city employees. Roseville Parks Department installed replacement and additional playground seating for both playgrounds by November 2023. A “Crestmont Park” monument was installed in June 2024. In July 2024, the swing set structure got a makeover, along with a fresh coat of brown paint to match the existing play structure. Thank you, Roseville Parks Department!
- SCNA’s annual neighborhood events, such as National Night Out BBQs and Neighborhood Garage Sales, encourage relationships with neighbors, City, County, police and fire to help keep our neighborhood safer and a better place to live. SCNA general meetings feature guest speakers ranging from City and County elected officials and department employees all the way to gardening tips from Placer County UC Master Gardeners and Green Acres Nursery. Your SCNA newsletter is delivered to your door with event notices and helpful tips. Your SCNA website’s new design provides additional information. SCNA has Facebook group pages you can join.
- SCNA members have volunteered with Roseville Coalition of Neighborhood Associations (RCONA) Spring Cleanup event since it started in 2022. We have seen many of our neighbors take advantage of this great event offered by the City of Roseville and RCONA.